by - September 27, 2017


On self-dependence, four styling tips, less of fantasy, more of reality and this shall be the final instalment/last chapter.

I know it is perhaps not the best of traits but I’m not especially fond of asking for help. I’d rather battle through the problem at hand and improvise in more ways than one. This really has nothing to do with pride rather there’s this satisfaction of doing a task exactly how I want it done. (but believe me, I’m no perfectionist.)

I remember from one of the earliest memories I have, the many things I’d wanted to do and become. I’d wanted to be a nun at some point because I believed a life away from the chaos of human frivolities would help me think clearer and be a better person, (plus melodious nuns in The Sisters Act was a big push too in various ways.) and then I had my first crush and realised perhaps it was too hasty a decision for my young mind to make. Then followed dreams to become a scientist/badass inventor, fashion designer, a doctor, a professional violinist, a musician, a lawyer, a writer, an artist, an activist, a chef. But at some point, it’s quite easy to say life sinks its claws into you, shakes away the idealizations of a childish mind and drags you into the stability of making one choice, to follow one path because this is supposedly as it should be.

I tried to do that, follow one path. But I found myself writing literature when I should be taking narrowed stabs at calculus and physics. Sketching designs, cutting and piecing fabrics when I should be studying the calculated designs of outer space and its celestial components. Ranting on social media and small gatherings on social, economic and political agendas, exploring the lush varieties of local and foreign cuisines amongst other things. 

My mind, as it was, rejected the idea of stifling my interests to fit into the clean-cut dictates of a society that sometimes forgets that fitting us all into boxes defeats our very nature –our variation. So, I watched it think for itself and create for itself and make mistakes for itself. I allowed my mind to simply be as it was designed to be. A tangled mess of beautiful bursts of life, untamed and unbounded.

There will of course be things I’ll perhaps never do, like dedicating my life to curing diseases, living my life stringing together melodious notes on a violin, and living in a convent(Alas!). But for many other things, I leave myself open to possibilities. 

As we embarked on this creative work, Buchi and I, I knew we would take photos together. I knew I did not own a tripod (yet) and wouldn’t get one for this very work, but I was opened to the possibility of what I could do, what I would do. I Ended up taking photos of Buchi, balancing the camera on a random surface whilst on self-timer and continuous shooting, running back and forth to review and adjust and reset. Teaching a security guard how to use the camera to capture all the while telling him, “Anyone can photograph.” (thanks to Pixar’s Ratatouille, people.)

Hence, I leave for you to judge the product of this spontaneous work process, because believe me when I say life is full of so many possibilities. Don’t judge yourself based on the things you’ve tried and failed at, think of the so many things you haven’t tried, think of the so many things you can do right. 

Don’t try to bend your mind in the direction you think it should go, simply let it be as it was meant to be.

And my recurrent educational obligation has arrived yet again, Uni tests have me buried deep in study routines. And you ask, is this me announcing my impending absence from the blog for a while? (short? hopefully) Yes, my people, it is oh. So, in the meantime, you can catch-up with me on my social media pages. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. To fellow students, I wish you all the best, ace em!
A hi nya, with love, x E

Photography // Ene Ijato
Editing // Ene Ijato
Model // Onyebuchi Ugwu @ Lyts models and Ene Ijato
Directed by // Ene Ijato
Styling individually done by // Ene Ijato and Onyebuchi Ugwu

 LOOK 1 - Ene Ijato wearing: Rosa dress shirt, Koui trousers and Handmade shoes
LOOK 2 - Ene Ijato wearing: Blossom blouse, shoes by American Eagle and culottes by herself.

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