by - September 12, 2017


Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself

Can it ever be overstated? the phrase “dream big” perhaps it is one of those things we hear over and over again and somehow still do not understand how realistic it can be. But isn’t that the point? The idea that we can get lost in the vast openness of possibilities. That we can truly appreciate the value of escapism in its truest form. 

 We got lost, Buchi and I in the endless openness of these woods re-imagined by your very own gal. (*clears throat* to emphasize reference) 

The significance of how we become dreamers, how we are broken and how in the end we begin to find ourselves. It is a twisted song that resonates within the expanse of this magical place called life and echoes back to us. Sometimes in bitter tunes and sometimes not.

As young people working towards numerous goals, there are obstacles that seem unimaginably daunting. There are rules, due processes we are expected to follow that we do not see the need to. Isn’t innovation what the world should be about anyway we query? So what if we are young, that doesn’t exactly translate to naïve and incapable. There are a lot of young people who are wise beyond the limitations of age. 

Maybe we are dreamers for asking the world to not measure us all on a scale of numbers. Maybe we are dreamers for imagining the world differently. But in more ways than one, the ability to escape into our imaginations and dwell in the unlimited possibilities our minds can create if we let it, this is what it means to be a dreamer. To work toward your obstacles and conquer them with the sheer power of will, hard work and an imaginative mind. 

It rained for the most of the day of this shoot, morning through to afternoon and although it stalled productivity for a while, Buchi the ever ready to nail the art of being in front of the camera was ready to work. (multiple phone calls in my log testify)

With the assistance of a friend we met on our way by pure coincidence(mostly), after briefly showing him the ropes on how to work the camera, he was able to capture some really decent photos of the both of us. The photos I took of Buchi were one shots (really, no retakes) and hence I concluded that Buchi is incapable of taking a bad photo.

We, I precisely wanted to dwell more in the absolute natural enveloping of these woods but the day was already far spent and we still had work to be done, so off to new locations we went! (explains why this is labelled chapter 1)
 I left those woods and (many)days later, settled in front of my PC for hours and brought to life my imagination for your viewing pleasure and please, devour.

So, I’m sorta sticking to posting Tuesdays now I guess. It’s 5:36 in the morning I’ve been up since…point is, your gal needs to crash hard and dream even harder.
A hi nya, with love, x E

Photography // Ene Ijato and assisted by Hussein A.K
Editing // Ene Ijato
Model // Onyebuchi Ugwu @ Lyts models and Ene Ijato
Directed by // Ene Ijato
Styling individually done by // Ene Ijato and Onyebuchi Ugwu

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  1. it takes real courage to jump into the depths of our dreams with our abilities in a world were the noose of "great expectations" is hung tight around our necks, dragging us around and telling us were to go and how far we can go. nice one E.

    1. Thank you Daniel! Glad we see eye to eye on this. ❤ E


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