by - January 02, 2017

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New year, when they really should be worried about what they eat between the New year and Christmas. –Anonymous
                                       FYI, ‘eat’ in this context may be interpreted metaphorically.

In as much as I’d like to indulge the rave of looking back at 2016, where I was then and where I am now, I very much refuse to attribute the relevance of the hustle to the periodic 365(approx.) days movement of the earth around the sun as my momentum. (God in all relevance, is the momentum that keeps me going.)

Hello January, where the streets are still vacant from the troupes of people who are yet to return from hometown travels, the air so blatantly dry my hair feels like squeezed cardboard and no matter how much petroleum jelly(Vaseline) I seem to layer on my skin, it still feels like groundnut husk. (Definitely looking to splurge on moisturizers.)

Bravo! on the tons of jollof rice and meat and okoho soup with pounded yam amongst other delicacies I have consumed with the convenient excuse of the merriment of the holidays. Despite my seemingly natural rapid metabolism I’d definitely hope on the tussle of Uni to substitute as my makeshift treadmill come a few days’ time because I’m just so busy feeling like Garfield at the moment. lol
In the spirit of the New year, resolutions are a thing I perhaps ritualize. The idea of pledging to one’s self to be better, to take up a new hobby and break old habits seems a bit promising looking through the glass of optimism and ignoring the previous years of the same circle where promises were made and broken before even the conclusion of January.
Perhaps with a little ‘fist raised in the air’, we’d say with so much assurance “2017 will be different!” Alas, with the crossover nights spent in religious worship houses across the globe in solemnity one would hope the strife and the wickedness embedded in the human heart is expunged with 2016 and a change cemented with resolutions. (Heavily anticipated)
I perhaps I’m a little dazed from consuming too much palm-wine, the whimsical plot twist to a cliché holiday. I for one in my current state of mind cannot think of any resolution beyond;
·         Committing to projects
·         Reading more books
·         Putting more effort into relationships
·         Reaching out more on socio-political issues I’m passionate about...

Family, loved ones and life itself is enough to be thankful for because for a moment, everything hangs on this very time. Memories and hope, and a feeling that returning to this day in another year marks some form of accomplishment (like a benchmark of some sorts.) An accomplishment of life, a career, an education, family, relationships… in the end, it’s really just about what you make of the New year.

I just bloody leaned on a wall and had these photos taken with a timer (Freaking easy yea?). It’s been really chilly before noon lately hence the multitude of layering. I’m loving the length of my hair all balled up in a wild mass and I’m seriously contemplating keeping this length as a staple.
Happy 2017 people!

Grey tweed coat - Message
Bomber Jacket – River Island
Brown Turtleneck - Lave

                Colour-lines // Photoshop (LOL)
                Photography // Ene Ijato
                Editing // Ene Ijato

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  1. For years many have been partaking in this transitional ritual of the almighty cross over into the next year...(which some may argue is dumb because a second before and after has no visible, or dare to say significant effect on any change at all, but hey! What do they know)...a time of rebirth some may say, but one thing is for sure, the excitement of witnessing the resolutions people make and if they even remember them after the week runs out always keeps things intresting, good piece and great pictures btw.

    1. Rebirth seems a little far-fetched lol, but thanks for the read and your kind words.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I for one don't subscribe to the over merriment attached to the new year like it's anything more significant than a reminder to replace last year's calendar ........so call me antisocial but I crossed over asleep. I don't limit my resolutions (which are still broken at the earliest opportunity more often than not) to changes in the calendar, I guess I've burned myself enough times. -Signed The New year Grinch (lol)
    Again I must say........ nice read, albeit it seemed to end too soon, I'm beginning to eagerly look forward to My weekly visit to your canvas.
    P.S: I especially enjoyed the quote at the beginning and your comment at the end

    1. Thanks a lot Wales, those of us remaining believers will try to keep the torch burning. Thanks for the read and awfully kind words.

  4. I don't really get it. Are you for new year resolutions or against it? Or you are on the fence on this one?

    1. Hello Isaac, I'm for resolutions but I'm not sold to the idea that the new year in itself as the revolution of the earth around the sun particularly signifies a new beginning in relation to the human life spiritually.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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