by - January 29, 2017

I literally feel like a cup of coffee is being brewed by the bigger people and Minna is directly inside it, just saying. Blame Dr. Seuss for my metaphor.

This perhaps is by far the hottest year I have experienced in my entire life, even considering the fact that it has only just begun. I have already carried out the complete flip over of my wardrobe pieces from cashmere and wool and tweed to chiffon and satin and silk. An exercise which before usually transitions gradually into the months in previous years. 

I perhaps thought Minna due to its prevalent history of scorching heat was the only place undergoing this weather dilemma but Alas! global warming despite generous debunking might be true –Our ozone layer is depleting at an alarming rate people and it is not funny. 

As seemingly shallow as it is that fashion has indeed called my attention to this urgent issue, the most relevant thing here is that we need to notice things about our environment more. We need to stop harming earth, because somehow, we behave as if there is someplace out there where we’ll be whisked to when earth results to catastrophic doom (Do take your mind off Total Recall!) For even if Mars could host the entire human population only a minute portion of our population could afford to make it there and I’m starting the count from millionaires. 

The entirety of this post was supposed to be about how I recommend that you all try to indulge seasonal pieces in your wardrobe. Buy clothing taking into consideration if you have too much of a particular set like heavy-weight clothing for the year’s end and in heavy rains or light-weight clothing for the first half of the year. However, I do not regret digressing one bit.

Spread out your purchase of clothing fabric evenly depending on your travel schedule and where you live. I for one living in Northern Nigeria at this time of the year have my daily basic pieces spread through clothing that lets my skin breath. Of course, tank tops and camisoles and shorts are the logical go-to from this conclusion but for those of us who do not indulge the art of showing that much skin, binge on chiffon and its sisterly billowy and mesh-like materials. 

Owning a somewhat petite frame has inclined me to certain habitual styles so I like to wear clothing that give me a fuller look and ruffles does the trick pretty neat! I also like to layer chiffons with satin or light-layer cotton depending on how sunny or rigorous my day intends to be.
Shooting in the midst of such a beautiful scenery reminded me of how much reforestation is needed and how necessary it is to work with nature in attaining sustainable natural habitats amongst us. If I’d ever be colourful, I’d always choose green.

So, hello from this intensely sunny side of the world, where I have cardigans intact with tags sitting idly in my wardrobe waiting for a chance to come out and be used. So, feel free to comment with questions about your weather challenges I’ll be glad to listen and provide necessary help however I can.
BTW, you guys are nothing short of amazing, over 3000 page views in less than 2 months! Do visit my social media pages for more frequent inspirations and there’s a giveaway coming up soon so please be an avid stalker on all my pages so you don’t miss it!
 Instagram; Ene_ijato // facebook; Ejato’s canvas // Twitter; Ijato_ene

From Hell, E.

Floral ruffled blouse and trousers - Ejato

Black satin shoes – Nina

                Photography // Mustapha Bello and Yours Truly

                Editing // Ene Ijato


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  1. favourite blogger.Lovely piece as usual. I'm really curious, where do you find the inspiration for your blog posts from & is there a person that is a fashion inspiration to you?...

    1. Hey Patrick, well inspiration for my posts comes to me from different things. Sometimes from the clothes I take shoots with and the location also being a factor. Sometimes its simply me sitting in my room in front of my computer browsing through pinterest a word or phrase might somehow just inspire me to write. My fashion inspiration should be man-repeller. Thanks for the read

  2. Lool, And I sat here last week wishing you'd do a piece to the tune of 'where has our harmattan gone' this ceartinly hit some of those points...... as usual well written, kept me entertained to the end and left me wishing Your posts were longer or more frequent.
    Thumbs up Ene

    1. Thanks Wales, alternatively "where has our harmattan gone" could be the AKA to this post, I mean talk about hitting the nail spot on. I wish my writing were more frequent believe me and for the length of my posts, I shall very much see to it!

  3. Interesting read. Been out of Minna for a while now. Coming in this morning. And the I woke up two days back to rain. Not sure the weather is that terrible here. But then, I'm practically in water, so no surprise there. On the other hand, I'm glad you are talking about it. My only hope is that you don't just talk, you also take concrete steps in playing your own part to slow the destruction of our planet. For our children's sake.

    1. Hey there! I believe in the talk is cheap phrase but I also believe awareness is also very relevant in our society where turning a blind eye is so commonplace. I try to play my part no matter how little. Thanks for the read.


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