by - January 22, 2017

Because I’m here studying for mid-terms and putting off the temptation to see Rogue One like the movie maniac I am.

It’s a convoluting thing, drawing lines when it comes to your personal life, your job or business, your education… and even within these things there are more lines to be drawn. Is he/she taking me for granted? Do people who I barely know, know about my privacy? Do I spend too much time on the internet when I should be taking a crack at adjustment computations and the principles of optical plummet and transitionary curves? (lol condemn me to a library!) 

But drawing lines are a healthy way of staying on top of my priorities, of maintaining healthy relationships with every aspect of my life. It may seem to be a tough task but grabbing it by the horns makes all the procrastination seem like the tough work.
The other day I spent a ridiculous amount of time reading an article online about Imperialism! Of all things to get lost reading about, yeah, sometimes I surprise myself too. Perhaps this slight slipup was my wakeup call to reorganizing my time, relationships and priorities. (No cat videos addiction confessed here, hell to the no people)  

So, I might not have a five-year plan or draft out some incredulous goals like Katherine Heigl as psycho wife, but I have organized my schedule in such a way that whatever I’m doing at any point in time is what I know I should not be doing. Yes, there might be occasional times when I relapse or go overboard. But like my mum always says, “it’s better to try than not to have tried at all.” (Yes, I know that’s a stolen quote) 

So here I am dressed halfway comfortable because mid-terms are just the rave right now. From the outrageous hours of cramming to remotely trying to understand the bulk of about eight weeks of lectures.  It’s the time where my fellow campus folks and I lament generously about how shitty school is and having nothing to do about it, study anyway. (human nature people)
There’s nothing better than my favourite boots which are comfortable enough to run frantically in search of venues and pull a TDB in the library through chilly nights. Then a light-weight cotton print jacket/ lighter-weight shirt (The cold is far less intense here for anything more generous and most of all super comfortable boyfriend jeans to provide enough space to stretch out your butt after hours of sitting as well as let your pores breath (skinny jeans at your own risk, believe me I know). Yes, the generous amount of Mac coating my lips isn’t really a part of this salvation but trust me, after those eye-bags get comfortable on your face, you’d want something to divert attention. (High chances I might not want to totally blend-in in kingdom “Nerdinia”)

Good luck to whomever is stuck studying for mid-terms and if you’re not, well don’t rub it in my face!
Love, yours truly E.

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  1. I've always hated the restlessness that accompanies mid-terms.

    1. I know right? Its like preparing for some life defining moment and how the hell can I make so much life defining decisions when I still don't know which bloody superhero is my favourite! Thanks for the read as always.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Mike, I'm glad you found it enjoyable.

  3. Priorities, priorities, priorities... Cornerstone of meaningful progress, it is quite easy to map out an array of events in the mind but to commit is an entirely different ball game, some old monk dude said "Action expresses priorities" - M. G., while some buff dude will say " I live my life a quarter mile a time, Nothing else matters." guess we all have our ways, drawing lines will help check those unaccounted hours of our lives. Cat videos hehehe gotta love em' and In a way tho don't we all have exams to write, oh wait! No, no...silly me, we all don't...jst institutionalized folk. This may jst be my fav write. Approach exams as they, may the force be with you #yoda.

  4. Lol, like I'm beginning to seriously wonder what you get to comment every week and this has just got to be your wittiest. Thanks for the read, I'm glad you found it enjoyable.

  5. Hmmmm nice 1 u gat me involved tho!
    More creativity are my wishes 4 ya

  6. Each week,each masterpiece.I'm glad I have ur blog to look forward to every week.

    1. Oh Patrick, you make me eager to do better. Thanks as always.

  7. Your ink ll never dry.. I like your post

    1. thanks alot Lukman, I'm glad you found the read enjoyable. keep stopping by!

  8. Just superb. More creative grease to your elbow


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