by - May 29, 2017

Styling Night-wear as day-wear like the millennial you are baby!

These days, it is quite accurate to assume that in more ways than one fashion has indulged certain liberties that decades ago would be considered outrageous. My mother, has never failed to mention time and time again how I look like a destitute under a Lagos bridge in my raw-hemmed and ripped jeans, or the queen sovereign of hand-me-downs in my over-sized clothing (whether or not they are brand new) But a good laugh and an equally heart-warming jest of the fashion inclinations of her time equals the score and buries the conversation.

Within the context of how easily we allow our clothing decisions to be controlled by the accusing eyes of strangers who have their own opinions on how we should look in public or the conservatives who judge us based on what we decide to shield our backs with. Pardon me as I flaunt my bedroom substance before you in daylight like the acclaimed weirdo I have been labelled as time and time again.

In times like these, I decided to indulge a little bit of jewellery although I’m just moving in on that ground (not a jewellery kind of girl…yet) Wearing trousers that make me look like Marie Antoinette in her underwear and an oversized shirt my barely existent boobs look equally barely existent in, and a dashing supposedly “night-time” robe (as if…) I believe I have conquered yet another day in the life of your friendly neighbourhood weirdo. 

But let’s face facts the academic institution is not ready for the excessives of fashion’s outrageous 21st century bloom, so if you risk inciting the wrath of your Uni, then be like me and have a few tricks up your sleeve. I mean seriously you never might have known this was a night robe until I told you it was, admit it!

You can style your robe typically with the knot to give a more serious/chic/put-together look or you could style it without the knot, as you would a Kimono to give a more ratchet/roguish/youthful look. But I believe adhering to fashion rules really is a pain in the ass, I mean who even makes these rules? (I like to think it is a magical octopus in China, well because the Chinese secretly control everything and Octopuses have eight hands, enough to reach all the continents of the world with. You’re smarter than an octopus.) 

But whatever you decide to do, make sure you indulge me and style your night robe as Day-wear, I can’t have all the fun now can I?

So as is with the case of all things slightly coming together for my good, I recently received my first official fashion-related paying gig. I mean the pay is not the ‘going on a boutique shopping spree or a day spent binge eating at an overpriced restaurant” kind but it’s the kind that makes approaching adulthood seem sparingly promising.

Wham Bam! With love, x EJ
Last Week.
Book // Art of War by Tzu Sun
Music // Bed of Stone by Asa
Movie // La La Land by

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