by - November 17, 2017


Athleisure, sports luxe, call it what you want, I’m in love.

I played a lot of sports growing up. From the make belief golf course my brothers and I created aided by cutting unripe green limes from a tree in our backyard to use as balls, to bicycle and obstacle races, and of course there was the infamous wrestling in which I was always the Undertaker. (Don’t be fooled by my recent smallish build, as a child I was relatively big for my age, so no I know what you’re thinking, I was some fierce Undertaker.)

Then there followed school compulsory sports where I played badminton, volleyball, football, became a sprinter, attempted long and high jumps in which after trying both I resolved that asides from being born with an old soul, I was born with an old waist!  

But truly, your girl has always been a sports lover.

I love the earned sweat, the thick sound of loud grunts thrown about in frustration, and the vibrant tingling sounds of jubilation. I love the tough air of competition (friendly of course) and the sheer moment where you feel your heart racing, energy coursing through your veins shaking you in ways you enjoyed being shook. The sound of your feet, the loudness, the people, the stakes. 

The athleisure trend has been a gripping buzz in 2017 that had fashion enthusiasts swooning to indulge in various ways. I for one am never the person to indulge trends just because, so it perhaps has rightfully taken me a moment to subscribe to the whole concept, and believe me, I’m glad I did!

Think sports meet casual, or chic or bohemian and you’re on your way to becoming an athleisure pro.   

For my love of comfortable clothing, this Nike fit trouser makes me feel like I can do literally anything in it. Ignore the impracticality of wearing heels in sporty get-up, it makes me feel the right amount of edgy because black boots will do that to a person. And yes, if there was ever a case where I had to choose one outfit for the rest of my life, this is it!

I find that I’m constantly re-evaluating myself, my capabilities, my interests, my work endeavours and I find that amongst all of these, I still have to keep up with the necessary educational obligations which literally has this girl spinning more often than not. In this space, I find myself becoming the kind of girl who just throws on an outfit and dashes out the door. If you know me in real life, you’d know that there never really isn’t a time where I’m not dashing across walk-ways and roads to meet up with one rendezvous or the other, and in this light, a girl on the go finds athleisure to be one heck of a comfort that gives the same thrill gotten from doing a sport that spurs her to make the most of her time and energy.

In athleisure, I feel like the entire world is my sport arena, and I’m running towards my goals, and yes, I am melodramatic enough to call it a process full of sweat and tears. 

In athleisure, yes people, I’m your girl on the go.

As much as I’d like to excuse myself by stating all the stress I’m currently under, I’d rather not and simply apologize for posting late. What’s your favourite sport(s) and favourite sports brand? Leave me your comments below!

A hi nya, with love, x E

Wearing: Nike fit trouser, Nike bag, M&S collection boots, Bamboosa shirt.

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  1. I've been binge reading your blog since I found it via the gram, or it found me ��
    You're an amazing writer. Like! Girl! Dem words be popping out with so much meaning. Your blog is straight up editorial standard, if you know what I mean. Enough said, Well Done. Keep 'em coming.


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