by - July 07, 2017

On denim culture and how to truly be a maverick of the 21st century (or simply a rebel with a fashion cause.)

Permit me to say that the denim culture has proven to be a capable uniform for the mavericks of varying times, pursuing different causes. Whether it was the youths of the 1950’s who wore them to show a sense of liberation to do and to be as they chose (or simply follow Hollywood’s statement of putting all the “bad boys” in denim), or the youths after them who wore it to express solidarity with the working class; those heavily affected by racism and oppression, to make fashion statements or even just to feel comfortable.

Denim, has the ability to become anything to anyone; being worn by anyone regardless of the status quo. Denim is unbiased, unprejudiced and extremely accessible. From the neat stacks in stores fresh off Levi Strauss’s factory to hanging stalls of the second-hand market, to the deepest scourging heart of poverty, there you’ll find denim. In all it threads and rivets, all its rips and fades, in its infamous blue hue. When purchased brand new, denim has the ability to carry your story. Carry it in all its shrinks and holes, all its forceful stretches and it eccentric tears and when thrifted, it has the ability to give you the stories of the lives it has lived.


To an everyday young adult like me with dreams, so much to do and seemingly very few hours to accomplish them, when I think of denim I think of the longevity in use before every wash. As a writer, I think of the stories, the so many of them wrapped up in simple threads, and as a fashion enthusiast, I think of the beautiful union of style, genuineness and comfort. Denim for me is so much more than simple fabric.

It inspires me, it inspires me with its story, it’s becoming. The voice it possessed without speaking, the soul it carried by just being. The symbol it represented at a time it was much needed. 

Although some would argue that denim has become commonplace, worn almost everywhere by everyone and no longer signifies the individualistic spirit it once did. That’s where I believe we get it wrong, in thinking that for a thing to signify a cause it must be exclusive. Is it not the point really of a cause, that it be listened to and embraced by choice? For whether or not we know it, we all live in our individual perspectives and we all have individual rebellions to spearhead regardless of whether or not we do.

To truly be a maverick in this time, all you need to do is to know what you want; what you deserve, and simply spearhead your own individual rebellions.


I apologize for the late post, this current semester is proving to be a pain, and try as I may procrastination is a lurking shadow I’m still trying hard to beat.
 I can’t imagine how frustrated you must be with my comment section, I feel triple times the amount! I could begin to explain the issue now, but I sincerely doubt its relevance. All you must simply know is that I have genuinely fixed it this time and it shall not be swallowing anymore of your amazing comments.
I finally styled this DIY skirt i made from a formerly undistressed longer skirt. let me know if you'll be interested in DIYs down in the comment box below.
 Thanks for stopping by as always, you guys are just beyond amazing!

Wham Bam! With love, x EJ
Last Week.
Book // The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

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  1. As usual, nailed it. .��

  2. Certainly looks better on you than it will on me. Not considering this outfit anytime soon. Lol ☺

  3. Lol, you'll never truly know until you try it...Thanks for stopping by ❤ E

  4. Like I said.... fully present for it! Well done my dear!

    1. thanks my darling! for the read, for being supportive and for always stopping by.


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