by - April 09, 2017

Personal Photography tips from an amateur with perhaps natural talent, or an excessive appetite for experimentation.

Anyone of you lovely readers who have indulged my blogging journey since inception a few months ago, can tell that my work has been an upheaval process regarding photography content on this blog. But through a lot of trials and errors, I have evolved gradually from a girl who knew nothing about photography to this spectacular amateur who has decided upon sharing with you a little from her self-inflicted journey.

Before I commence, do know that photographs are an integral means of conveying a moment or time, insert an appropriate dose of vanity there and you’re good to go on the 21st century definition. I go through my ratty secondary school photos and wished for the life of me I knew a little about photography back then asides the excessively indulged duck face and non-existent hip jutting. But what’s a trip down memory lane without a few laughs at the person you evolved from eyy?

Now to the matter at hand.

I believe when taking self-portraits (photos taken by oneself) be it a selfie or a full body image, capturing one’s best angle is imperative. To find your best angle look at your face in a mirror in good lighting and notice which side of your face is most flattering to you. Photography doesn’t always reflect how a person looks like in real life sometimes due to the symmetry of individual faces –they only capture an angle. For selfies, try not to tilt the camera too far back an angle or it would most likely overly elongate a feature or enlarge it unless of course that is the plan. And for full body portraits ensure the camera is well balanced on your tripod or whatever you’re using to keep it in place and using a continuous self-timer (advisably nothing less than five pictures a time unless of course you’re the load runner and you can go go go!) change poses rapidly and try to act as natural as you can.

Alternatively, if you have someone taking the photos for you, employ the use of a grid system setting so you tell the person in which box you’d like every body part to fit into. 

For flat-lays, which by the way I heavily indulge, it is advisable to get a flat surface like a marble floor, a wooden board or table or use spreads like a cardboard paper, fabric spreads, towels, fur mats etcetera. Arrange whatever it is you want to showcase on your chosen surface (which should be advisably of single colour so your items standout unless you know how to play in patterns). Stand on an elevated platform like a stool and take the photograph from above. There is no necessary rule for layout but for beginners it is advisable to use lesser items and grow into more chaotic arrangements.

Now for the most important, lighting. No matter how perfectly you have followed these instructions, without good lighting, whether or not your camera is to die for, be ready for a crappy finished product which if you’re lucky might put you through a shit load of editing applications to get it looking near decent.

Always ensure you take the photographs in the morning, by noon, or for a softer and subtle ambiance, by sunset if it is an outdoors photography. If it is indoors, ensure you take the pictures in a room heavily flooded with natural lighting and suitably close to the window for ample sunkissing.

Editing is also a vital finish to photographs but that shall be a secret to share for another day, or the next installment, who knows?

Finally, practice makes it better. Take multiple pictures, record multiple moments and unless you’re like me where the camera hates your toothed smiles and they almost always seem to look like you’re being strangled, don’t forget to say cheese! or not...

I was AWOL last week and yes, I am well and alive and have not been battling meningitis (Oh Nigerians, we will live!) Thanks to the lovely lovely people who sent me dozens of messages to enquire about my whereabouts on the blogosphere, in all the oddest of questions btw. You have no idea what it meant to me and I love you for it! I had to take a break to figure out some personal issues and evaluate the bearing of my blog like changing the name and other stuffs… But I am back Baby, and it is on!

Don’t hesitate to leave personal photography tips that have worked for you in the comment section below, this amateur is happy to learn more!
Wham Bam!  With love, EJ

Last week

Book // Anne of green gables
Music // Love and War by Fleurie
Movie // Anne: the series

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  1. Huh, I always wondered how the cameras are placed when taking flatlays, so simple a stool, of course...enlightening photography mind is blown like a lil bit, I'll be sure to indulge

    1. Thanks for the read and I can't wait to see the results X ❤ EJ

  2. Great tips, I'm bookmarking this.

  3. Nice tips. I'm bookmarking this.

  4. Great tips. I'm bookmarking this.

  5. I am so in love with this... Captivating... I might just be an amateur photographer too��

    1. Aww thanks dear... Lol, glad to find another kindred spirit ❤ EJ


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